Friday, January 28, 2011


Amid the kerfuffle of temple and mosque, we seem to have forgotten the soul of lord Ram. We have stopped feeling him. Ram, in Indian culture stands not only as a symbol of religion but also as a symbol of hope. He is our belief that a turnaround will surely be; that clouds will surely rain; and that the Sun will surely rise.
Ram is succor in the times of utter hopelessness; Ram is rudder in the times of mere haplessness. Ram is beyond the circumference of temples. He is extensive, he touches emotions and he heals commotions.
He, as a notion, is inspiring. When chips are down he is the dint of mind and the courage of heart. His appeal is across the social strata. And this only shows the sinew of his charisma. He differentiates not. Be they weak or strong, be they right or wrong, Ram is recourse of every one.
He is grit of the winners; he is sob of the losers. He is innocence of the childhood, he is enthusiasm of the youth, and he is satisfaction of the old. He is amulet for fear; he is tissue paper for tear. He is hope of the next moment; he is prayer of the next dream.
When everything seems daunting and defeating, he is spunk to hold on the fight. He is there in decisions, he there in reasons. He is in throngs, he is in solitudes. Without him everything is hollow, without him everything is shallow.
He is water for thirsty, he is bread for hungry, and he is glint for blind. He is in every sort and every kind.
Ram is in the altitude of the mountain, Ram is in the latitude of the fountain. He is bosom of the earth and he is the lap of the firmament. He is transparency of the ocean and he is vibrancy of the motion. He is fragrance of flower, he is vehemence of power.
Even technologies couldn’t resist the charm of Ram, A laptop or desktop is futile in the absence of RAM. Thus Ram is integral to everything that is pivotal to everyone.
May Ram freshen everything that is rotten, may Ram enliven everything that is forgotten!


  1. OM & RAM are two very powerful chants if said with deep faith & true devotion & understanding

    very spiritual post

    what's "kerfuffle" ?? new word. never heard or seen.

    1. Kerfuffle means commotion.

      My this post didn't have a single comment thanks for making the comment section look good.
